Thursday, October 23, 2008


The whole time I was in Hawaii my ankle was very sore and swollen. We just thought I pulled something so I still surfed and ziplined on it. When we got home and went to the Dr. we found out that I have a stress fracture in my ankle. Sadly this means that I can't run in regionals or state for cross country :( I was pretty upset about this because that is basically the whole point of cross country and I went through a whole miserable season of being in pain from a couple different injuries and wont even get to run the big race.
I am now the proud owner of a boot cast for 4 weeks! I went to the doctor today and they were going to have to put a plaster cast on, but the Dr. decided I could stay in the walking boot, thankfully! The boot cast I can take off to sleep and shower. I am very happy about this because this means I can take it off for the homecoming dance this weekend and not look like a huge dork! Also, I got a handicapped tag for my car so I now have a guaranteed parking spot at school every day and dont have to get there early to get one!
Pictures of me and my sexy boot to come ;)

1 comment:

emmielou said...

Oh man that sucks so bad, dang it. How did you get that, is it from cross country? At least you get a prime parking spot, way to go for looking on the bright side. On base I I get to park in the "Expecting Mothers" spots which is awesome. haha Anyway, sorry you have to be in a boot, but you'll look hott in it no matter what. Love ya